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El Fondo de Asistencia a los Veteranos presenta más de $30,7 millones en subvenciones a 109 organizaciones en todo Texas

AUSTIN, TX – On November 9-13, 2020; the Texas Veterans Commission’s (TVC) Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) presented more than $30.7 million in grants to 109 organizations across Texas. These funds are providing assistance to more than 33,400 veterans and their families.

The grants are awarded to nonprofits and government agencies which provide direct services to veterans. The grants support a wide range of services from financial to transportation, legal services to family support services and home modification to rental and mortgage assistance. The TVC awards grants in five categories:

  • Asistencia General
  • Vivienda para héroes de Texas
  • Veterans Mental Health Grants
  • Veterans Treatment Courts
  • and Veteran County Service Officers

The recent grant announcements to organizations by TVC Executive Director Thomas Palladino and TVC Commissioners may be viewed by region on TVC Facebook links below:

South Texas and Alamo Regions – $9.5 million in grants distributed between 26 organizations, serving over 8,400 veterans and their families



Panhandle and West Texas Regions – $4 million in grants distributed among 12 organizations which serve more than 3,400 veterans and their families



East Texas and Gulf Coast Regions – $6.3 million distributed between 28 organizations serving over 6,400 veterans and their families



Región central de Texas – $7.6 million distributed among 34 organizations, serving over 13,400 veterans and their families



North Texas and Statewide – $9.4 million distributed between 31 organizations which serve more than 6,100 veterans and their families


Additionally, maps of grant recipient regions by county and services may be found on TVC’s grant web page https://www.tvc.texas.gov/grants/assistance/ .

Veterans needing assistance can find the organizations providing help in their area at https://www.tvc.texas.gov/grants/assistance/ .

Since 2009, over $168 million in grants have been awarded, assisting more than 330,000 veterans and their families across Texas. The $30,775,000 distributed among 109 organizations for the 2020-2021 grant cycle was approved by the Texas Veterans Commissioners in May 2020.

Funding is generated primarily by the Texas Lottery Commission’s Veterans Cash lottery tickets. Since 2009, the Texas Lottery has contributed more than $145 million to the FVA. Other sources of funding for the FVA come from individual donations when obtaining drivers’, handgun, hunting and fishing licenses, and vehicle registrations.

Ayudar a los veteranos comienza aquí. La Comisión de Veteranos de Texas aboga y brinda un servicio superior a los veteranos que mejorará significativamente la calidad de vida de todos los veteranos de Texas, sus familias y los sobrevivientes. TVC ayuda a los veteranos a recibir sus beneficios, proporciona fondos a agencias que brindan servicios directos a los veteranos y administra los beneficios educativos de la Ley Hazlewood. Obtenga más información en www.tvc.texas.gov .

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