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From self-doubt to self actualization & employment

Having earned her bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering, Navy veteran Joanna Ayala, pictured, was eager to put it to use; but, encountering difficulty securing employment. On April 2, 2021, she had an initial meeting with Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Veteran Career Advisor (VCA) and Army veteran Katasha Gray at Resource Connection in Fort Worth.

“Her barriers to employment made Ayala eligible for DVOP (Disabled Veteran Outreach Program) Funded Individualized Career Services through the JVSG (Jobs for Veterans State Grants) Program and she agreed to be entered into an Employment Plan,” said Ron Abrams,TVC Employment District Outreach Coordinator and Army veteran (retired).

“Ms. Ayala shared with Katasha, that she was nervous and doubtful of her interview techniques and of business dress knowledge. Katasha decided the best course of action would be the Boots to Heels Program and Workshops for Women,” said Abrams, pictured. “She attended the programs and workshops provided. Boots to Heels not only helped Ms. Ayala with developing interview techniques, but she was also able to obtain free interview clothing, confidence in navigating job interviews; and was able to produce a viable resume, reflective and pursuant to her career goal; related to her Architectural Engineering degree. Moreover, Katasha helped Ms. Ayala with her understanding of how the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) works, best practices used in attending job fairs and developing a networking system with friends, relatives and organizations she may be aware of.”

Her commitment to improving her job search skills, resume and poise paid off. Ayala started work on August 2, 2021, with Dynamic Glass LLC, in Ft Worth, Texas at a starting pay of $60,000 annually.

“She not only obtained a position within her career field; her confidence and knowledge has afforded her a project she will solely manage; within her first 60 days of employment!” said Abrams. “Exceptional professionalism and resourcefulness Katasha!”

“I was so honored to have worked with such a kind young lady, that has not only persevered through her situation, but is now a force to be reckoned with,” said Gray, pictured.

Get an assist with your job search with your local TVC Employment Services office.

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