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Emprendedores: establezca contactos y exhiba negocios en la Houston Veterans Business Expo

Houston Veteran Business Expo graphic

Houston Veteran Business Expo graphic

Entrepreneurs, the Houston Veterans Business Expo will be held Friday, September 30, 2022. Veteran owned businesses may get involved as exhibitors to showcase products and services; or, come network and go to sessions as attendees. Plus, veteran owned food trucks have the opportunity to do business at the event. Among exhibitors will be Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Veteran Entrepreneur Program (VEP) Business Consultant Greg Shigemasa. He will provide information on how VEP can assist with business plans, the benefits provided veteran-owned businesses and more.

“Join us!,” said Megan Tamez, TVC VEP Director. “We are excited to be a part of the Houston Veterans Business Expo. Not a business owner, but have ideas floating around? Learn about all the fantastic benefits available to veterans.”

Pictured are Tamez and Shigemasa.

Photo of Megan Tamez Photo of Greg Shigemasa

The Houston Veterans Business Expo is hosted by Houston Mayor’s Office of Veterans and Military Affairs and the Houston Veterans Chamber of Commerce. Register at https://www.houstonveteransbusinessexpo.com/

Event organizers’ goal is to highlight military service and bring the Houston region of veteran entrepreneurs & business owners together, raise awareness of veteran owned & operated businesses and all the amazing work they are doing. They encourage “All patriots & corporations in the region to shop & support veteran-owned companies. Veterans protect and build America.”

At the TVC VEP booth, one can learn about the current Veteran-Owned Business state legislation (Senate Bill 938) and all the benefits it provides to 100% veteran-owned businesses. Plus, information on all TVC programs will be available. These include cost free assistance with VA Claims, health care and education benefits.

To learn more about the process and requirements to start a new business, connect with TVC Veteran Entrepreneur.

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