Oficinas de TVC cerradas el Día del Trabajo

Las oficinas de TVC estarán cerradas el lunes 4 de septiembre por el Día del Trabajo. Por favor contáctenos a través de nuestro sitio web o correo electrónico.

Los comisionados otorgan más de $30,7 millones en subvenciones a más de 120 organizaciones y aprueban subvenciones para empleadores veteranos

Employment Award Presentation & handshake.cropped

At their quarterly meeting May 14th, 2020; Texas Veterans Commissioners approved a total of $30,775,000 in Funds for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) grants to be awarded to over 120 organizations across Texas. These funds are distributed as part of the 2020-2021 grant cycle and are expected to provide assistance to more than 33,400 veterans and their families.

The FVA awards annual grants to non-profit organizations and local governments which provide a wide range of assistance directly to veterans and their families. Support provided ranges from financial to transportation, legal services to family support services and home modification to rental and mortgage assistance.

For a listing of organizations approved for grants, click on FVA 2020-2021.

Veterans may find services and contact information for these organizations in their area by clicking on FVA grantees.

Additionally at their meeting, the Commissioners approved TVC’s Veteran Employment Services awards honoring 9 organziations for their commitment to employing veterans. To see a list of the winners, click on Employer Awards.

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