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Claims helps veteran receive $733K payment

Jose Zamora.CBA.2020.cropped

A McAllen veteran received a retroactive payment totaling $733,294.72 by working with his local Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Claims Benefits Advisor (CBA) Jose Zamora.

Zamora had been assisting the veteran with an appeal which had been in an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing since January 2018. Further, the case had been on remand dating back to May 1993. Through countless hours of researching the veteran’s service treatment files, CAPRI records at four different VA facilities, and military history, Zamora constructed a compelling argument on behalf of the veteran for the ALJ. The ALJ cited “new and relevant evidence” on behalf of the veteran being the pervasive reason for the decision for granting the appeal in November 2019.

Pictured is CBA Jose Zamora.
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