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Texas Veterans Commission Launches Veteran Entrepreneur Academy

AUSTIN – The Texas Veterans Commission announced today that it is accepting applications for the inaugural Veteran Entrepreneur Academy. The Veteran Entrepreneur Academy is a 120-day program followed by a two-year mentorship with the Texas Veterans Commission designed to provide Veteran Entrepreneurs with a strong foundation in small business basics.

$6.5 million available to programs serving Veterans

TEXAS – Organizations that support Veterans can now apply for more than $6 million in grants through the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance. The grants consist of $1.5 million in Veterans Mental Health grants and $5 million in General Assistance grants. Since 2009, the Fund for Veterans’ Assistance

Veterans Day letter from Chairman Eliseo “Al” Cantu

Veterans Day. A day when Texans think of Veterans first and say thank you to those who have served. Veterans are the women and men who raised their right hand and swore an oath to support and defend the United States. Veterans do not ask for our gratitude, but recognizing

To preserve integrity of the grant process, Advisory Committee adjourns without action

TEXAS – Today, the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance Advisory Committee adjourned before taking any action on its recommendation to the Texas Veterans Commission for grants which are scheduled to begin in January 2015. During the public meeting, a committee member self-identified conflicts of interest with two applicant

Se otorgan más de $1 millones en subvenciones para transporte altamente rural

TEXAS –The Texas Veterans Commission has been named as one of the recipients of a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Highly Rural Transportation Grant, which will provide more than $1 million to 22 counties throughout Texas to benefit approximately 2,500 Veterans. Through the grant, Veterans who live in highly

Casi $7 millones otorgados a organizaciones que brindan apoyo directo a los veteranos de Texas

TEXAS – La Comisión de Veteranos de Texas otorgó recientemente a 38 organizaciones $6.95 millones en subvenciones de Asistencia General, Housing4TexasHeroes y Salud Mental para Veteranos del Fondo de Asistencia para Veteranos de la Comisión de Veteranos de Texas. Estas subvenciones ofrecen financiación a organizaciones gubernamentales locales y sin fines de lucro que, a su vez, brindan servicios directos a los veteranos de Texas y sus familias.

DPS ahora ofrece la opción de donar al Fondo de Veteranos

AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), along with State Representative Joe Farias and the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC), today announced a new opportunity for customers to make voluntary contributions to the Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) when they apply for an original or renewal driver license or

Letter from TVC Chairman Elisio “Al” Cantu on Memorial Day

Dear Fellow Texans, Since 1971, when Memorial Day became an official holiday, the observance of Memorial Day has changed significantly. Moments of remembrance and reverence have been replaced with car sales and barbecues, while those who have made the ultimate sacrifice are often forgotten. This Memorial Day, the Texas Veterans

On The Money Texas Lottery ticket
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Texas Lottery® Introduces New Scratch-Off Game Benefiting Texas Veterans – ON THE MONEY

(AUSTIN) – Texas Lottery® retailers have begun selling On The Money, a new scratch-off game benefiting Texas veterans. Since 2009, the Texas Lottery has issued scratch-off games, including Veterans Cash and Veterans Winnings, to support the Fund for Veterans’ Assistance which is administered by the Texas Veterans Commission. The Texas

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