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El Tribunal de Tratamiento de Veteranos del Condado de Bexar invita a la presidenta Koerner al evento "Todos manos a la obra"

Judge Wayne Christian, Colonel, US Army, Retired, of the Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) invited the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) to participate in the VTC’s “All Hands On Deck” docket held December 13, 2021.

Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) invited the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) to participate in the VTC’s “All Hands On Deck” docket held December 13, 2021.

“This is our opportunity to see all of our veterans face-to-face prior to the holiday season, encourage them to make the right decisions and reflect on all their accomplishments for the past year,” said Josh Childers, Bexar County VTC Program Director and Air Force Veteran.

As of December 13th, Bexar County VTC had 90 participants active in the program and it anticipates its 700th graduate in January 2022.

“It is wonderful to witness the positive, life changing achievements of this court and the veterans in this program,” TVC Chairwoman and Navy veteran Laura Koerner said at the event. “For those who successfully complete their Veterans Treatment Court program, it presents the possibility of having records cleared. That in turn opens more opportunities to employment and benefits.”

Joining Chairwoman Koerner at the event was TVC Executive Director and Army veteran Thomas Palladino, TVC Director of Resources and Army veteran Chip Osborne, and TVC Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) Director and Marine veteran Jim Bracken.

TVC supports Bexar County VTC with FVA grants. This year, Bexar County received a $75,000 grant for its Felony Treatment Court, plus a $250,000 grant for Misdemeanor Treatment Court.

In the past 5 years, the TVC’s FVA has granted over $1.4 million to Bexar County VTC.

TVC supports Veterans Treatment Courts across the state with grants. Since 2016 when the first VTC grants were awarded, 96 VTCs grants totaling over $18.3 million have been awarded.

In addition to supporting VTCs with grants, TVC helps justice involved veterans and their families stay connected to their benefits with Justice Involved Veterans Claims Benefits Advisors.

Working with each veteran at the Bexar County VTC:

  • Judge Wayne Christian, Colonel, US Army, Retired
  • Joshua Childers, Air Force Veteran, VTC Program Director
  • Ron Mora, VTC Court Manager
  • Staff Sergeant Christopher Whittemore, USMC Retired, VTC Case Manager
  • Judge JoAnn S. De Hoyos, VTC Defense Counsel (Former Bexar County Judge at Law #11)
  • Valerie Serna, US Army Veteran, VTC Supervision Officer
  • Petty Officer First Class Joe Bohnenblust, US Navy Retired, VTC  Supervision Officer

Plus, there are mentors, probation officers, attorneys, counselors, and coordinators.

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