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Un enfoque holístico para la búsqueda de empleo

When it comes to looking for employment, women veterans are taking holistic approach to the job search. The value of first impressions, self presentation, mentors and networks are known and worked on as well as resumes and interview skills. This was evident at the Boots to Fashion and Work event, held at the Dallas World Trade Center in June.

From left, event speaker Althea Williams, founder of She Vets It, with TVC Women Veterans Program Coordinator Catherine Smith and Women Veterans Program Director Dr. Krystle Matthews.

At the event, work and casual clothing were offered to attendees. The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) provided assistance with resume writing and interview tips, as well as assisting with event production. Further attendees were able engage with organizations including Attitudes and Attire, She Vets It, the Veteran Women Enterprise Center. Other organizations participating at Boots to Fashion and Work included Cornerstone Caregiving, Dallas Vet Center, Dallas MVPN, Family Endeavors, The City of Dallas VERGE, The Veterans Land Board, U&I, Rose Films, The Steven A. Cohen Center, Unidos Y Amor, The VA Healthcare System and finally, The Texas Army National Guard’s Family Support Unit.

The TVC team for the event included Veteran Career Advisors Cynthia Lawton and Grisel Rios (pictured from left below); Woman Veterans Program (WVP) Coordinator Catherine Smith; and WVP Director Dr. Krystle Matthews.

Cynthia LawtonGrisel Rios

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