Oficinas de TVC cerradas el Día del Trabajo

Las oficinas de TVC estarán cerradas el lunes 4 de septiembre por el Día del Trabajo. Por favor contáctenos a través de nuestro sitio web o correo electrónico.



El Paso Veterans One Stop Center 9565 Diana Drive, El Paso

Free Thanksgiving Food Baskets to veterans, servicemembers, and their families. Must bring proof of military service. First Come, First Serve. (time is in mountain time. )

Blanco County Veterans Memorial Park

Blanco County Veterans Memorial Park 303 N. Nugent, Johnson City, TX, United States

The Hill Country Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in alliance with Blanco County, Texas American Legion Post #352 Blanco County Veterans Memorial Committee Request the honor of […]



Virtual Livestream +1 more

Click TO GET TICKETS Transition Skills Training is hosting VetsFest to help fund critical training programs that empower military families as they make the transition to civilian life.  Join us […]

Veteran and Military Families Month Hiring Event

Distribution Hall 1500 E. 4th St., Austin

RSVP to connect face-to-face with 50 employers looking for military talent. Take advantage of Indeed’s Free Resume Review and Job Search support services! Who should attend Indeed’s Military Hiring Event? […]

TVC/Indeed Military Hiring Event

Distribution Hall 1500 E. 4th St., Austin

CLICK TO REGISTER FOR EVENT The event will have free resume review, an organization (Thrift-ish Nonprofit) giving out professional clothing if needed for interviews, possible interviews on the spot, Workshops, […]


Why You Should Shop Small This Season

Evento virtual en línea

The D'Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families invites you to join us for a special webinar celebrating November Small Business Week, dedicated to honoring our military heroes and supporting […]

Serie de eventos Military REBOOT Recovery Course

Military REBOOT Recovery Course

University Methodist Church, 5084 De Zavala Rd, San Antonio, TX 78249 5084 DeZavala, San Antonio, TX, United States

CLICK TO REGISTER FOR EVENT SERIES FREE 12-week, veteran-led, faith-based, confidential A path to healing for service-related trauma Open to military service members, veterans, and family members Dinner, childcare, and […]

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