Oficinas de TVC cerradas el Día del Trabajo

Las oficinas de TVC estarán cerradas el lunes 4 de septiembre por el Día del Trabajo. Por favor contáctenos a través de nuestro sitio web o correo electrónico.


Mobile Office Hours with Congresswoman Veronica Escobar

Nolan Richardson Recreation Center 4435 Maxwell Ave., El Paso

Do you need assistance navigating the federal government or help with a federal agency? The El Paso VA and Veterans Benefits Administration and Congresswoman Veronica Escobar will host mobile office […]

Serie de eventos Coffee with a Vet

Coffee with a Vet

Black Rifle Coffee Company 111 N General Bruce Drive, Temple, United States

Central Texas Veterans, do you have questions about VA health care? Like, how to enroll, who qualifies, what's covered, what's Community Care? Whatever you want to know about! Bring those […]

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