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Wonder Woman Wednesday

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Wonder Woman Wednesday

enero 1 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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Women Veterans meet online on the first Wednesday at 12PM (CT) and the third Wednesday at 6 PM (CT) every month.

Meetings on the first Wednesdays feature a lunch-and-learn format including a presentation and Q&A on a monthly topic.

Las reuniones del tercer miércoles están dirigidas por la Dra. Angela Dickson en un formato de foro abierto para socializar y establecer contactos con sus hermanas de armas.

You will receive the Zoom meeting invitation via email upon registration. Attend three meetings to become eligible for a gift card!

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to email info@campshield.org.

About the facilitators

Dr. Angela Dickson

Angela Dickson is an Air Force Veteran, 20-year retired Master Sergeant. She is a dedicated, focused adult learning expert with over 30 years of progressive experience managing and leading various modalities of development and implementation of training solutions. Dr. Dickson holds a B.S. in Workforce Education and Training from Southern Illinois University, a Masters from UNLV in Educational, Instructional and Curriculum supervision, a second Masters in Educational Administration from Texas A&M Kingsville, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Prairie View A&M University.

About Camp SHiEld
Camp SHiEld is a division of After Military Service (AMS). AMS is a nonprofit organization that was founded in July of 2017. The mission of AMS is to support the personal and professional success of Veterans and their families, after military service. AMS increases resiliency, life satisfaction and empowers our nation’s military families.


enero 1
18:00 - 19:00
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