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Kerr County Veterans Benefits Fair

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Kerr County Veterans Benefits Fair

septiembre 5, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

For more information please click here

Contact vets@co.kerr.tx.us for more information

You are invited to attend the Kerr County Veterans Benefits Fair, where you can access resources and support services for Veterans and their families, including information on health issues, education, and benefits.

Over 40 organizations will be participating, including VA Health Care, local Veteran Service Officers, Texas Veterans Commission, and more. For further details, please see the attached flyer. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you there.




Kerr County Veterans Service Office
(830) 792-2203
Correo electrónico
Ver el sitio web de Organizador


Email de contacto


Hill Country Youth Event Center
3785 TX-27
Kerrville, 78028
+ Mapa de Google
(830) 896-9044
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